Keyboard Shortcuts for Excel You Need

Knowing and using Keyboard Shortcuts while using Excel is one of those Basic Excel Skills that can help you save a ton of time every day.

That’s why I have listed only the few most important keyboard shortcuts that you can learn and use easily.

Here’s the tip: When you press the ALT key Excel shows you the keys that you can use to open the tab from the ribbon.
And when you press a key for a particular tab to open it further shows you the keys to open the options that you have on that tab, so one for further drop-downs.

When Press ALT key on keyboard,

When Press a particular key, then open other dropdown key,

In this list we are learn basic shortcut in excel

  • Insret
  • Navigation
  • Basic operation
  • Range
  • Option
  • Formatting
  • View
  • Function
  1. Insert Keyboard Shortcut
S NoDescriptionShortcut Keys
1Insert a PictureAlt ⇢ N ⇢ P
2Insert a ShapeAlt ⇢ N ⇢ S ⇢ H
3Insert ChartsAlt ⇢ N ⇢ S ⇢ C
4Insert a HyperlinkAlt ⇢ N ⇢ I
5Insert Text BoxAlt ⇢ N ⇢ X
6Insert ObjectAlt ⇢ N ⇢ J
7Insert SymbolAlt ⇢ N ⇢ U
8Insert a Header & FooterAlt ⇢ N ⇢ H
9Open SparklineAlt ⇢ N ⇢ Z ⇢ K

2. Navigation Keyboard shortcut

S No:DescriptionShortcut Keys
1Move UpCtrl + ↑
2Move DownCtrl + ↓
3Move RightCtrl + →
4Move LeftCtrl + ←

3. Basic Operation

S NoDescriptionShortcut Keys
1CopyCtrl + C
2PasteCtrl + V
3CutCtrl + X
4SaveCtrl + S
5Print PreviewCtrl + P
6Save AsCtrl + F4
7UndoCtrl + Z
8RedoCtrl + Y

4. Range Keyboard shortcut key

S NoDescriptionShortcut Keys
1Select AllCtrl + A
2Select Entire ColumnCtrl + Space
3Select Entire RowShift + Space
5Edit a CellF2
6Close Edit MoreEsc

5. Option Keyboard shortcut key

S NoDescriptionShortcut Keys
1Open HelpF1
2Right Click MenuMenu Button
3Conditional FormattingAlt ⇢ H ⇢ L ⇢ N
4Apply TableCtrl + T
5Cell StyleAlt ⇢ H ⇢ J
6Insert a Pivot TableAlt ⇢ N ⇢ V
7Appy an Excel table to the DataAlt ⇢ N ⇢ T
8Name ManagerAlt ⇢ M ⇢ N
9Add FiltersAlt ⇢ D ⇢ F ⇢ F
10Insert Data ValidationAlt ⇢ A ⇢ V ⇢ V
11Remove DuplicatesAlt ⇢ A ⇢ M
12Refresh AllAlt ⇢ A ⇢ R ⇢ A
13Open Text to ColumnAlt ⇢ A ⇢ E
14Group Rows and ColumnsAlt ⇢ A ⇢ G
15Ungroup Rows and ColumnsAlt ⇢ A ⇢ U
16Add SubtotalAlt ⇢ A ⇢ B
17Open SortAlt ⇢ A ⇢ S ⇢ S

6. Formatting Keyboard shortcut key

S NoDescriptionShortcut Keys
1BoldCtrl + B
2ItalicCtrl + I
3UnderlineCtrl + U
4Open Format OptionCtrl + !
5Apply Time FormatCtrl + Shift + @
6Apply Date FormatCtrl + Shift + #
7Apply Currency FormatCtrl + Shift + $
8Apply Percentage FormatCtrl + Shift + %
9Adjust Cell Width to Cell ContentAlt ⇢ H ⇢ O ⇢ I
10Apply BorderAlt ⇢ H ⇢ B ⇢ A
11Change Font ColorAlt ⇢ H ⇢ F ⇢ C
12Change Cell ColorAlt ⇢ H ⇢ H
13Align Text to the CenterAlt ⇢ H ⇢ A ⇢ C
14Merge CellAlt ⇢ H ⇢ M ⇢ C
15Wrap TextAlt ⇢ H ⇢ W
16Change Font StyleAlt ⇢ H ⇢ F ⇢ F
17Change Font SizeAlt ⇢ H ⇢ F ⇢ S

7. View Keyboard shortcut key

S NoDescriptionShortcut Keys
1Hide/Unhide Formula BarAlt ⇢ W ⇢ V ⇢ F
2Hide/Unhide HeadingAlt ⇢ W ⇢ V ⇢ H
3Hide/Unhide GridlinesAlt ⇢ W ⇢ V ⇢ G
4Change ZoomAlt ⇢ W ⇢ Q ⇢ C
5Freeze PaneAlt ⇢ W ⇢ F ⇢ F
6Page Break ViewAlt ⇢ W ⇢ I
7Custom ViewAlt ⇢ W ⇢ F ⇢ C
8Page Layout ViewAlt ⇢ W ⇢ F ⇢ P
9Arrange WindowsAlt ⇢ W ⇢ A

8. Function keyboard shortcut key

S NoDescriptionShortcut Keys
1Insert FunctionShift + F3
2Recently Used FunctionsAlt ⇢ M ⇢ R
3Financial FunctionsAlt ⇢ M ⇢ I
4Logical FunctionsAlt ⇢ M ⇢ L
5Text FunctionsAlt ⇢ M ⇢ T
6Date and Time FunctionsAlt ⇢ M ⇢ E
7Lookup FunctionsAlt ⇢ M ⇢ O
8Math and Trig FunctionsAlt ⇢ M ⇢ G
9More FunctionsAlt ⇢ M ⇢ Q
10Auto SumAlt + =


2 thoughts on “Keyboard Shortcuts for Excel You Need”

  1. Pingback: How to remove brackets and parentheses in Excel workbook -

  2. Pingback: What Data analysis? Various methods are used in Excel. -

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